Also very exciting is the fact that I received my Kickstarter copy of the Burning Wheel Codex. For those unaware, the Codex is a sort of rerelease of the original books that made up the original Burning Wheel set but weren't included in Gold - specifically, the Monster Burner, Adventure Burner, and the Magic Burner.
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The Burning Wheel Codex |
So not that I finally have the complete rules in hand, I've been pouring through everything pretty regularly. The essays contained in the Adventure Burner in particular have been fantastic to go through, with a lot of great advice on running the game itself and some pretty rad ideas of gaming and GMing as a whole.
Anyway, the biggest upside of all the information contained in the Codex is that now I have better tools for making a setting to run a campaign! Outside of the people I've played with online, the majority of the people I play (and I think a lot of casual gamers in general) are more likely to get behind the idea of a new game or campaign based on the setting. So which one is the best to explore with my fancy new books?
Banner Saga
This one is partially on me playing this one recently, or rather Banner Saga 2, but I think from a Burning Wheel standpoint there are a lot of awesome possibilities. The setting itself is pretty close to the out-the-box Sagas of the Icelanders game, but with enough distinctions that I think there would be a lot missed running in that system. In particular, I think BW allows for really trying to flesh out the hulking Varl. Still, pretty niche audience I think for the most part.
Elder Scrolls
In keeping with the northern European but not quite viking high fantasy idea, the Elder Scrolls series provides some great options for running a game I think. The setting itself is incredibly fleshed out, which is a benefit as well as a bit of constraint, as there's more room for butting up against canon in terms of campaigns. Not the hugest deal in the world, but something to think about. The other question in using the Tamriel is settling on the primary province of the game, and how that will affect mechanics. Skyrim? At least one person is going to want to play as a dragonborn, meaning shouts will need to be fleshed out. There's also a much greater number of race options that will need to be determined. The various man and mer races are likely to be covered by limiting and tweaks various existing lifepaths, but what about the kaihjit? Or the argonians? Some heavy lifting would be required here.
Which, I think, brings me to my most likely setting for a future Burning Wheel game.
Witcher 3
I'll confess something here: I have Witcher 3. I've played Witcher 3. I have, as of yet, been unable to really get into Witcher 3. This is largely to due with the control schemes of the game itself, particularly when it comes to combat. For whatever reason, the game is very counter-intuitive to my play style when it comes to video games. However, what is inarguable is that I do find the game world itself incredibly fascinating, well developed, and (perhaps most importantly for my purposes here) open.
There's a lot of generic in Witcher 3 that I think it would be simple enough to try and convert to a default setting like Burning Wheel's, and likely without much fuss. Are there towns in Witcher 3? Are there important characters? Yes, of course. But while I know many players could tell you there's a character named The Bloody Baron, I would think fewer would be able to tell you what the name of his town is. I'm a fairly reactionary GM - I plan scenarios, I'm good at interpreting player action and coming up with creative responses to that action, even if I didn't plan anything ahead of time. Where I am very weak is in carefully planning out encounters and fleshing out the meticulous details of a world. I'm perfectly fine referring to a town as "that place we went where the duke killed his wife while we were there" in my groups, and I'm much more apt to remember that than the name of the town anyway.
That being said, it doesn't mean there's no work to be done in order to convert Burning Wheel's default setting framework over to Witcher 3. For one thing, there's a lot of limiting of the available character races. Dwarves would make sense given their roles in the game, elves would be iffy I think, but no orcs. Really I would ideally limit the PC choices to human and dwarf. Then, assuming the players are mostly planning on playing witchers, there need to be some specific traits made up. Witchers are sterile in game terms, and also have their unique cat eyes that allow them to see the magic secrets in the world around them, so there's some call-on or die traits to be dealt with there.
Where the Codex really caught my eye as it relates to the way magic and the witchers actually tackling supernatural creatures would be handled. The game is largely based around northern European folklore, so the system works perfectly there with the Folklore skill. Players can use that to try and discern remedies and charms for combating various ghouls and beasts, very similar in that regard to how the story progresses in the actual game. The bigger question relates to how the game would handle magic. The game has witches and the like in it, so there are some spells there, but by and large the witchers themselves have only a handful of magical powers to work with. These come off less like true spells in the traditional RPG sense and more general skills that happen to be magical in nature.
This, I think, would be something best covered by using the Art Magic rules rather than the standard sorcery rules built into the system. For the most part, the spells like Igni and such would be covered pretty well by the various functions of the Sorcery skill under the Art Magic rules, maybe with some slight tweaking and interpretation. The big thing is that, in trying to emulate the game world, the witchers less learn new spells as they do improve their existing powers, which grow in strength as they go on. In that sense, it seems to me to work better to just have a single skill, broken into different schools of magic in order to allow a bit more customization opportunity and less ability to munchkin as much, and having that skill improve through play as the game wears on. Plus, then we don't have to constantly remember exact spell names and functions (again, planning and details aren't exactly my thing).
This will take some time and some percolating as far as the specifics go, but I think there's enough here to work with. Once I get things fleshed out a bit more, I'll try and post some of my tweaks and such for anybody else out there who'd like to run their own Witcher game.
As always, thanks for reading.
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